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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Liberals and Progressives Has Hit 6,000 Facebook Likes!

Thanks for subscribing to our page!  We hope to continue to be a progressive voice and share news and stories you find interesting. 

It was during the summer of 2009 that I pulled this site together - how it's changed since!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

In the process of changing the site name to reflect our native Kentuckians living outside

Hi friends,

We're in the process of trying to change the page name to better reflect the fact that some of our posters now live outside of Kentucky.  More news hopefully soon!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Glen Beck warns Charlie Rose about Rise of Trump - Rise of Alt Right.

Don't let anyone tell you the person we elected by the electoral college is a normal politician. He's anything but.

A scary analysis by one of President Obama's former critics who sees the danger of Trump and his advisers/allies who have deep ties to the alt-right:

On Steve Bannon, an alt-right advocate and adviser to Trump:


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Populism in the air no moderation is 2020, we can't afford to lose Again

Donald Trump shocked most of us on Tuesday, cutting out not only the swing states we believed competitive but cut far into the Rustbelt firewall we believed safe.

I have news for you on the left - normal politics aren't going to cut it anymore.  Populism is in the air, it's presenting itself in some non-traditional forms.  And as strange as it sounds the right is holding that trophy at the moment and we have to play catch up to remain relevant.  In 2016 people didn't want a resume, which is what Hillary Clinton was.  They wanted pitchforks and fire.

Trump is doing something the left complained about for years and never did anything about not only rejecting the TPP but very possible renegotiating NAFTA.

6 million people didn't bother to show up for this election, that's a lot of Americans who just didn't care to show up to vote and not we're all going to pay for it.

Michael Moore saw it a mile away with his new documentary:

8 years ago we were way too excited about Barack Obama to see the outrage of the bailouts. It took us 2 years to catch up with the Occupy movement.

Let's not get behind on this...

Populism in the air no moderation is 2020, we can't afford to lose Again

Donald Trump shocked most of us on Tuesday, cutting out not only the swing states we believed competitive but cut far into the Rustbelt firewall we believed safe.

I have news for you on the left - normal politics aren't going to cut it anymore.  Populism is in the air, it's presenting itself in some non-traditional forms.  And as strange as it sounds the right is holding that trophy at the moment and we have to play catch up to remain relevant.  In 2016 people didn't want a resume, which is what Hillary Clinton was.  They wanted pitchforks and fire.

Trump is doing something the left complained about for years and never did anything about not only rejecting the TPP but very possible renegotiating NAFTA.

6 million people didn't bother to show up for this election, that's a lot of Americans who just didn't care to show up to vote and not we're all going to pay for it.

Michael Moore saw it a mile away with his new documentary:

8 years ago we were way too excited about Barack Obama to see the outrage of the bailouts. It took us 2 years to catch up with the Occupy movement.

Let's not get behind on this...

No 20th Century American Election's Anymore

Donald Trump shocked most of us on Tuesday, cutting out not only the swing states we believed competitive but cut far into the Rustbelt firewall we believed safe.

I have news for you on the left - normal politics aren't going to cut it anymore.  Populism is in the air, it's presenting itself in some non-traditional forms.  And as strange as it sounds the right is holding that trophy at the moment and we have to play catch up to remain relevant.  In 2016 people didn't want a resume, which is what Hillary Clinton was.  They wanted pitchforks and fire.

6 million people didn't bother to show up for this election, that's a lot of Americans who just didn't care to show up to vote and not we're all going to pay for it.

Michael Moore saw it a mile away with his new documentary:

8 years ago we were way too excited about Barack Obama to see the outrage of the bailouts. It took us 2 years to catch up with the Occupy movement.

Let's not get behind on this...

Friday, July 8, 2016

Oh the irony America, Dallas Aftermath

Oh the irony...
Some of my friends on the right who are horrified with the Clinton email issue but didn't say one word against the officers in the last 2 shootings caught on video feeds.
I've looked at some of your profiles. No concern over the deaths of 2 black men who weren't a threat to police officers during encounters yet your walls are filled with ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎BlueLivesMatter‬.
You're taking a side with this - and that side says that you have no problem with the summary execution of "some" people in our society - you have no bones with denying "certain" people due process under the law and justify extraordinary license that says certain people can kill American citizens and expect to not see a day in court over it.

Where were these people when Castile and Sterling were killed?

Oh the irony of you advocating a smaller government... Getting government out of the way...
The shooting in Dallas is tragic (Blacklives protesters died in that attack too). But your bullshit attention to a certain group of people (5, hopefully no more) and complete silence to the horrific events that unfold for others daily is telling.
Alton Sterling and Philando Castile will never even see a courtroom to address "alleged crimes" they committed and that's not because the DA who's buddy buddy with police departments simple doesn't seek to press charges.

The cowards should watch these videos:

Richard Wolff Global Capitalism Update: June 2016